
Paul Acquah is the founder of Christ Is All Ministries (CIAM), an evangelical  ministry meeting the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people. He is passionate about seeing people transformed by the Word of God and making heaven more crowded! An academic, Paul Acquah has served as the Head of Computing in a large academy in London, England, where he ran Bible club on campus.

He is an anointed man of God who travels around preaching the gospel of Christ with the demonstration of God’s mighty power at work in his open air crusades and conferences. He is committed to the simple yet powerful message of sharing Christ and loving people.

Through his ministry, God has provided opportunities to meet the needs of the suffering and bring the Gospel in a practical way. As a Bible teacher, evangelist, and author, he remains committed to preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the unchanging Word of God, and expecting the mighty and miraculous power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives!

Ministry at CIAM is not just a job – it’s our life! Everyone plays a different role, but we all work towards the same goals of seeing life changed and community transformation happen through our work as we partner with God!

Everything we do, and are, as a ministry is built on those who were faithful before us. And we believe that same spirit is being released in the generation that’s rising, and we are excited about what’s ahead! Most importantly, we are excited that you’re interested in what is happening in our ministry. CIAM and the people that volunteer to serve in our various ministry outlets are incredibly valuable, and we are honored to serve our generation. Our team of volunteers are excited and passionate about effectively introducing everyone to Jesus and teaching them to follow Him.